A Step-By-Step Plan to a Healthy Pregnancy

A-Step-By-Step-Plan-to-a-Healthy Pregnancy

By: Nicky Pilkington

Having a baby is an exciting moment. However, the nine months leading up to the experience can be a bit unnerving. Most women worry throughout their pregnancy about the health of their baby. To alleviate the stress and worry that often creep up during pregnancy, plan instead to have a healthy pregnancy and you can rest assured that you have done your very best to have a healthy baby.

  1. Get in Shape Early. When you find out that you're pregnant is not the time to start a new diet or exercise program. If you are planning to become pregnant, make sure you are at a healthy weight and in the best physical activity. Doing this will help you during your pregnancy and can help you to have a problem-free delivery. If your pregnancy is unexpected and you aren't in the best shape possible, don't worry about it. It is possible to have a healthy baby while limiting the amount of excess weight that you gain. Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables will give your baby the nourishment it needs while helping you to limit the amount of weight you gain.

  2. Your Baby is What You Eat. Your baby depends on the lifeline that you and they share to grow properly. Following a diet that includes all the major food groups is probably the simplest approach to a healthy diet. You may discover your appetite changing during the course of your pregnancy. This is common and shouldn't alarm you if you have unusual food cravings. It is quite acceptable to enjoy "bad" food once in a while, as long as you limit how frequently you indulge in these foods. Since some nutrients aren't abundant in most foods, doctors often recommend that pregnant women begin taking vitamin formulas designed specifically for them.

  3. Exercise regularly. While a rigorous exercise program is unsuitable when you are pregnant, it is a good idea to try and get some exercise every day. Many women are nervous about doing anything that may harm their baby. Walking on a daily basis is beneficial for your health as well as for your baby. Before you begin any exercise program, you should first discuss your plans with your doctor.

  4. Avoid the big no-nos. If you follow only one step in this plan for a healthy pregnancy, avoid the big no-nos: don't drink, smoke, or take drugs (this includes medications that your doctor has not approved). There are many debates about how these habits can affect your baby. The very fact that it is slightly possible to cause injury to your baby should be enough for you to avoid indulging in any of them during your pregnancy. The use of caffeine during pregnancy is debatable. You should discuss this with your doctor if you normally consume coffee, tea, or soda on a regular basis.

  5. Pamper Yourself. Pregnancy is a special time and people will treat you with more attention. You should relish in this time because soon things will return to normal! Don't forget to give yourself special attention. Remember, if you're stressed your baby will feel stressed too. One of the most important things you can do to pamper yourself is to get sufficient rest. If before you were pregnant you spent days burning the midnight oil, you need to make sure you have this habit licked before you become pregnant.

Author Resource:->  You can find additional information about preparing for pregnancy by visiting pregnancy-step-by-step.org.

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The Difference Between Fasting And Starvation

The-Difference-Between-Fasting-And Starvation

By: Emma Deangela

The body needs food to survive. For sake of survival, Body pushes them to search food when they feel hungry. Searching for food may not always end up in success. A person may decide not to eat for a period because of a specific reason. That is called, fasting.

There is another form called Starvation which means people are willing to eat but they starve to get food due to their low economic condition. Starvation is mainly due to their poverty. The difference between starving and fasting is that a person who starves lacks food and a person who fast does not.

While fasting is a conscious way to abstain from food, starving is a potentially dangerous case that can result in death. Starving occurs as a result of lack of food but fasting can be done in the midst of plenty of food.

A person who is starving is under no delusion about his/her plight and will jump to have food when it is offered but fasting involves completely abstaining from food until at least the time period the person has planned for himself. During religious fasting, the fast is accompanied with prayers for maximum benefit. A starving individual cannot concentrate to pray.

Scientifically speaking, fasting is a great tool to improve the body chemistry and improve the body's metabolic rate. It helps to check one's weight. However starvation shuts down most of the body's processes. It is a mechanism the body uses to preserve energy reserve when the body is not being replenished with new nutrients. When the body's nutrients are not replenished earlier enough, the body will eventually shutdown and death may eventually occur. Starving to death is a slow but painful death.

However fasting and starvation has a thin relationship between them. During fasting, the person feels the pains a starving person goes through, and it has the potential to change people's attitude to the less privileged in the world.

Though it is conscious, a person who is fasting cannot deny that it is a painful experience that requires discipline and determination to complete it. This gives the person a feel of what it is like to live on a hungry stomach. As a result, it can potentially increase their sympathy towards the hungry in society.

Author Resource:->  Click here to learn more about Master Cleanse. Stop by Emma Deangela's site where you can find out all about Body Detox and how to undo years of damage of to your body.

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Detoxification Of Your GI Tract: A Basic Understanding

Detoxification-Of-Your-GI-Tract:-A Basic-Understanding

By: Sandra Kim Leong

There are a number of dietary toxins that can accumulate in your system. One way to get rid of these unwanted substances is detoxification of your gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). Blame it on that fatty slice of pork you had for dinner or your daily consumption of junkfoods for snacks. Simply put, improper diet and innutritious food are the root causes of dietary toxins in your body.

There are several body components that help in eliminating dietary toxins, a process known as detoxification. The GI tract itself is further subdivided into two segments, the lower and upper GI tract. The mouth, esophagus, pharynx and the stomach are the organs that make up the upper tract. These are the main organs where food is initially processed. The lower tract consists of the intestines and your anus. Your small intestine is further subdivided into three parts namely the ileum, jejunum and duodenum. The large intestine also consists of three main organs, the caecum, colon and the rectum. The lower tract is basically responsible for the digestion and excretion of your body wastes. Other excretory organs, including the liver, pancreas and kidneys also aid in detoxification.

When your GI tract cannot perform its functions properly, toxic waste builds up in your body. It then becomes necessary to detoxify and cleanse your tract from these toxins. There may be times when cysts, adenomas or polyps breed in your organs, detoxification would help in removing these unwanted components. Detox cleansing also helps in healing lesions, ulcerations and other tissue problems in your system. It also maintains the tone and the shape of your intestines. Detoxification of your GI tract is responsible in keeping things normal and balance by regularizing PH and eliminating harmful bacteria like candida and other harmful yeasts.

There are a lot of ways where you can detoxify your GI tract. The best technique of detoxifying lies in proper diet and knowing which foods to eat. Some people would also find it beneficial to take in probiotics supplements to aide in the propagation of good bacteria in the intestine to aide in better digestion.

There are a number of medicinal herbs that aide in the detoxification of your GI tract, one of which is dandelion roots. They now come in form of teas. Dandelion roots contain insulin that is need by bifidobacteria, a good bacterium that thrives on the intestines. Dandelion roots are found to be very efficient in detoxification through strengthening and cleansing the liver and GI tract.

Detoxification of your GI tract needs to begin with a detox diet. You can take in fruit juices, vegetable drinks and broths and herbals teas. Drinking plenty of liquid is always beneficial. Cut down on the meat and grains. Fruits and vegetables should always be a part of your meal.

A detox diet may also include the intake of some herbs, psyllium and bentonite. These are known to be effective substances in helping your cleansing.

You should always see to it that every part of your body is well maintained. The excretory and digestive components of your body need regular detoxification to ensure that your body functions are all normal. Removing dietary toxins is very vital in keeping your body healthier and livelier. Get started with detoxifying your GI tract today, and see for yourself the difference it can do.

Author Resource:->  Looking to address your constipation, weight gain, poor energy and skin allergy problems? Need to detox and cleanse? Get free research and special reports by Sandra Kim Leong on detox diets, colon cleansing, liver cleansing and juice fasting here on Detox Cleansing Tips

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Acupuncture During pregnancy


By: Jonathon Hardcastle

Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese method of using tiny needles to stimulate specific areas or "meridians" of the body and to rebalance the body's energy, or chi. Because acupuncture is especially effective for chronic conditions, many pregnant women are turning to acupuncture to provide drug-free relief from many of the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy.

An Australian study showed that women who received acupuncture treatments regularly before their 14th week of pregnancy had less nausea and shorter bouts of morning sickness than women who did not receive the treatment. Acupuncture has also been used to treat the more serious condition hyperemesis gravidarum, which causes serious vomiting that persists throughout pregnancy.

During the second trimester, acupuncture has been used to successfully treat heartburn and hemorrhoids. In the third trimester, acupuncture can provide relief from sciatica, joint pain and carpal tunnel syndrome, which many women develop late in pregnancy. Acupuncture has even been used to relieve pain during labor and delivery.

Pregnant women seeking to use acupuncture to treat conditions developed during pregnancy should be sure to visit a licensed and experienced acupuncturist. For example, although acupuncture can be used to treat edema, or swelling of the ankles, edema can be an indicator of a serious problem. An acupuncturist experienced in treating pregnant women would be more likely to recognize this problem and refer the patient back to her obstetrician.

The most serious risk of using acupuncture during pregnancy is that it may stimulate labor if it is improperly applied. Choosing an experienced practitioner reduces this risk to almost negligible levels. In fact, many women have turned to acupuncture to purposefully stimulate labor when their baby is overdue. Some women have found that labor induced by acupuncture is gentler than labor induced by drugs such as Pitocin.

In addition to benefits during pregnancy, labor and delivery, acupuncture has been used to promote fertility and to treat infertility. In a small German study, women who used acupuncture in conjunction with in vitro fertilization had a 42.5% success rate compared to 26.3% in women who used in vitro fertilization alone. Fertility specialists attribute this to the overall improvement of health that comes from receiving regular acupuncture treatments.

Finally, acupuncture may have some benefits in treating post-partum depression. Although no research has been done to support the efficacy of acupuncture treatments on post-partum depression, anecdotal evidence shows that some women do benefit from its use. Because acupuncture does not cause harmful drug interactions, it can be a useful complimentary therapy.

Author Resource:->  Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Alternative Health, Nursing, and Weight Loss

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The Antibiotic Flagyl Side Effects

The-Antibiotic-Flagyl-Side Effects

By: Grigoriy Anoshenko

Flagyl is an effective and valued defense against bacterial infection. The generic name for Flagyl is metronidazole.

Flagyl is an effective and valued defense against bacterial infection. The generic name for Flagyl is metronidazole.

The Flagyl antibiotic is used to effectively kill anaerobic (low oxygen) bacteria and certain parasites in humans.

Areas of the body which may harbor anaerobic bacteria include the liver, abdomen, and pelvis. Infections within these regions that are commonly treated with the antibiotic Flagyl are:

• Bacterial peritonitis (of the abdomen)
• Abscesses of the liver
• Abscesses of the ovaries and fallopian tubes
• Bacterial infections of the brain

In addition, Flagyl may be used to treat bacterial vaginal infections and bacterial infections of the stomach, skin, joints, and respiratory tract infections.

Flagyl may also be chosen in the treatment of parasitic infections such as Giardia lambia and ameba, both of which may cause abdominal pain and chronic diarrhea. Patients taking Flagyl to treat a Giardia infection must follow up with their health care professional to ensure complete eradication of the parasite.

Infections not included in Flagyl labeling, but which Flaygl may be chosen to treat include:

• Colitis associated with antibiotic use
• Balantidiasis
• Dental infections
• Gastritis or ulcers caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori
• Inflammatory bowel disease (IBS)

Flagyl may be prescribed to treat other infections at the discretion of a medical doctor.

Flagyl is generally safe for use by all ages, including premature infants, newborn infants, children, teens, and adults. Flagyl may however cause adverse effects in unborn babies and so it is not used during the first trimester of pregnancy. Likewise, Flagyl is not recommended for breast feeding mothers as adverse effects can occur in nursing infants.

Flagyl may be used prior to, during, and following certain medical procedures to treat or prevent bacterial infection. Patients may be prescribed antibiotic Flagyl before and during bowel surgery. Flagyl may also be prescribed to male and female carriers of trichominiasis even if symptoms of infection are not present in order to eradicate the invader and prevent infection.

Flagyl is subject to allergic reaction and side-effects, although side-effects with Flagyl are generally rare and the drug is usually well tolerated. Side effects may include numbness, tingling, pain, swelling, tenderness, dizziness, irritation, and unpleasant taste in the mouth; very rarely, seizures may result from Flagyl use. Any unpleasant or serious side-effects should be reported to your doctor so that appropriate action can be taken.

Flagyl can be affected by and can affect other medical conditions, and may interact with other medications, so it is important to share your complete medical history with your doctor.

Flagyl is an antibiotic that works best when constant levels of the drug are maintained in the bloodstream, so proper dosing schedules of Flagyl should be maintained to the best of your ability.

Author Resource:->  To find out more about antibiotics like flagyl please visit Flagyl side effects

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Hoodia - magic plant for losing weight

Hoodia-magic-plant-for-losing weight

By: Grigoriy Anoshenko

Though just recently made available to the general public, this botanical has been used by the native people of the Kalahari Desert, the San Bushmen, for quite some time. During extended hunting trips, these men would eat part of the juicy stem of the plant in an effort to ward off thirst and hunger, as well as for other ailments such as abdominal cramps, indigestion, hypertension, and diabetes.

Since hoodia is a relatively new on the weight-loss scene, there is not a substantial amount of published research available on its efficacy, but what is available is extremely promising. Scientists have isolated a number of particular compounds in the hoodia plant that work to suppress thirst and hunger. In particular, they have identified a molecule that they have name P57. P57 is steroidal glycoside, which is a chemical that reacts much like glucose in the body, but is substantially more active. Essentially this means that hoodia is 100,000 times faster and more effective at signaling the body that food has been consumed in an adequate amount. Once the P57 molecule triggers the signal that the body has been satiated, the hypothalamus then sends out its own signal to let the body know that it?s time to turn off the appetite. Fundamentally taking hoodia tricks the brain into telling the body that it is no longer hungry. In addition to all of this there are no known adverse side effects to taking hoodia.

Though this herb has so far proven to be highly effective, it is not easily or cheaply available to the general public. Since the plant itself needs about four or five years to mature, it is not a quickly replaced resource. This keeps the prices for this herb quite high, but so far research has shown that individuals who use hoodia reduce their caloric intake about 40 percent on average, so it seems well worth it.

Without the same stimulating and dangerous side effects that come with the now-banned ephedra, hoodia appears to be an excellent option for those looking to lose weight. Of course you should always check with your physician before beginning to use any kind of weight-loss supplement, hoodia seems to be a gentle and effective avenue to a thinner, healthier lifestyle and body.

Author Resource:->  To find out more about hoodia plant please visit Hoodia

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Medical Billing Software Development over the Last Decade

Medical Billing SoftMedical-Billing-Software-Development over-the-Last-Decade

By: Nick Roggers

The development of medical billing software over the last decade has allowed medical professionals to spend less time on paperwork and more time treating their patients. In addition, all levels of medical administrative staff have benefited from a wide variety of available platforms, increased functionality, and ease of use. We have transformed from paper-bound, handwritten notes to systems which allow doctors and nurses to access and share information with one another and with pharmacists and health insurance company billing departments.

One of the most substantial improvements has been in the area of stand-alone systems available to small- and medium-sized medical delivery professionals. As medical billing software has been developed for smaller providers, these professionals have become able to enter, retain, access, and share information about their patients in minutes instead of days.

One example of this growth is the level of communication between health care providers and pharmacists. For certain medications, of course, a written and signed prescription still is required. However, even in such cases, pharmacists and their support staff benefit greatly from their increased ability to review patients' medical histories and medication histories, especially if an electronic health records system is used. In this way, the development of medical billing software over the last decade has allowed this crucial information to become available to the widest variety of health care professionals possible.

There are certain disadvantages which are serious concerns to both patients and doctors. Primarily, these involve issues surrounding patient privacy and the inappropriate use of confidential information. One crucial component of newer electronic health records software and hardware platforms is the increased security with which they arrive on-site. These include elemental components (e.g., login and passwords) as well as more advanced pieces of the security puzzle (e.g., data encryption and secure data storage). With such safeguards in place, an increasing number of medical professionals have become willing to take advantage of the advancements made in medical billing software development of the last decade.

Another benefit - one which helps doctors, patients, and insurance carriers - is the increased ability to securely transmit data between the point of service (a doctor's office or medical clinic) and the provider of health insurance coverage. A simple task such as determining coverage could have taken hours - or even days. Thanks to the multiple advances in development of medical billing software over the last decade, these delays no longer are routine. In fact, obtaining accurate and immediate coverage information allows doctors and medical support staff to deliver the most appropriate coverage for patients in the timeliest manner possible.

One last area of increased convenience is available to the consumer, also known as the patient. Prior to the development and improved delivery of medical billing software within the last ten years, patients often had to submit cumbersome paperwork and await reimbursement from health insurance carriers. These days, such delays are becoming a relic of the past.

Improved medical billing software has become a boon to all parties involved by saving costs at the doctor, for the patient, and the insurance company.

Author Resource:->  ADSC has truly the ultimate in EHR systems. MedicsElite is developed, marketed, and supported by Advanced Data Systems, a solid company with over 30 years of experience automating EHR and EMR medical practices.

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Bactrim ds Antibiotic


By: Grigoriy Anoshenko

Bactrim is a widely used and effective antibiotic medication used to treat and prevent bacterial infections.

Treating Infections with Bactrim

Some infections most commonly treated with Bactrim include:

• Bronchitis (when long-lasting or increased in severity)
• Urinary tract infections
• Middle ear infections
• Traveler's diarrhea
• Intestinal inflammation

In most cases, adults being treated with Bactrim for bacterial infections will be prescribed one Bactrim DS (double strength) or two regular strength bactrim tablets. Children are normally prescribed one teaspoonful for every 22 pounds of body weight; dosing is usually twice daily for a period of five to fourteen days. The type and location of infection dictates the dosage amount and length.

Preventing Infections with Bactrim

The Bactrim antibiotic may also be used to prevent bacterial infections in persons with weakened or compromised immune systems. Bactrim is a common defense used in transplant patients and patients with AIDS against Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia (PCP). Likewise, Bactrim may be used to treat PCP.

Normal dosing for the prevention of PCP in adults is one tablet daily for a period of 6-12 months. In children the dosage is determined by total body surface area, and the prescribed dose is taken twice daily for three consecutive days (not to exceed 320 milligrams trimethoprim and 1600 milligrams sulfamethoxazole daily).

While Taking a Bactrim Antibiotic

It is recommended that the Bactrim antibiotic be taken with eight ounces of water, and that water is drunk periodically throughout the rest of the day to prevent uncomfortable side-effects. As with all antibiotics, the full course of the Bactrim prescription should be taken to completely clear the infection (or continue preventative protection). Bactrim works best when adequate levels of the drug are maintained, therefore, it is important to take a Bactrim antibiotic at prescribed intervals, and make every effort not to miss a dose; if a dose is missed, it should be taken when remembered, but double doses should never be taken as overdoses of bactrim antibiotics can be very serious.

Bactrim can interact unfavorably with some drugs, and can decrease the effectiveness of others, so it is important that doctors are made aware of all other medications being taken by the patient. Additionally, people with additional medical conditions, pregnant and/or breast-feeding women need to discuss the safety of Bactrim antibiotics with their doctor.

Bactrim antibiotics can cause skin and sun sensitivity. Precautions should be taken to avoid the sun when possible and protect the skin while in the sun when taking a Bactrim antibiotic.

Author Resource:->  To find out more about antibiotics like bactrim please visit bactrim ds tablet

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Obesity and the NHS, A Matter of Size

Obesity-and-the-NHS,-A-Matter-of Size

By: Kim Bishop

It is predicted that by the year 2050 half of the adult population of the United Kingdom and 700 million people on the planet could be obese. It is a horrifying statistic that has huge global implications for health, the availability of food and the usage of natural recourses. There are, however, huge practical implications for the obesity epidemic as well, and nowhere are these felt more than in the medical treatment of obese patients for weight loss.

The NHS is literally groaning under the weight of these patients in a number of ways. Firstly there are the obvious health implications of obesity; heart disease, high blood pressure, breathing problems and type 2 diabetes to name but a few. Secondly, however, there are the practical problems incurred by having to treat these patients, the need for larger ambulances, much stronger beds, chairs and operating tables as well as new surgical equipments to deal with the large amounts of fat tissue that these patients have.

25 per cent of British adults are clinically obese. Every year in this country there are thirteen million hospital admissions. Of those, thousands are now having to be dealt with in a specific manner and are requiring special equipment because of their size.
Obesity is now costing the NHS over £9 billion a year and this figure is raising at a steady rate as the number of obese patients rises with it.
The Department of Health does not break this figure down so it is not possible to know the exact amounts that are being spent on bespoke equipment though the Liberal Democrat health spokesman Norman Lamb MP has conducted a survey of 150 NHS trusts and has found that on average each trust spends about £60,000 on the treatment of obese patients and that they treat 371 obese patients per year.

The equipment demands for obese patients have included beds that can take a weight of up to 70 stone, wheelchairs that can take up to 60 stone, special extra strong lifting hoists and mattresses that operate like hovercrafts to move patients. It is extremely difficult to scan obese patients. Most are too big to fit into CT and MRI scanners where patients have become stuck. The layers of fat in these patients mean that it is much more difficult for Ultrasound and X-rays to pass through their bodies. As a consequence Philips has had to develop a new kind of scanner that is capable of passing through the fat though this of course comes at a price. This piece of equipment alone will set the hospital back £10,000. As obese patients are so problematic to examine, however, and abnormalities are much more difficult to locate the need for this particular scanner has become paramount.

Obese patients also need tailor-made surgical equipment capable of dealing with the layers of fat to lose weight: specialist scissors and ‘graspers’ that hold fat out of the way. Surgical equipment is extremely expensive with a single piece of equipment costing between £800 and £900 so the need to buy duplicates for larger patients places a big strain on the budgets of these trusts. University Hospital in London has recently purchased an operating table capable of carrying a 47 stone patient at a cost of more than £20,000.

The obesity problem is even affecting maternity wards. A recent study that was conducted in the North East of England found that many midwives and staff were extremely concerned about the lack of specialist equipment for obese mothers to be and the problems that this lack of this equipment was causing in the delivery room. There was a demand for much bigger beds for delivery in labour suites, larger blood-pressure cuffs and longer epidural needles.

The problem even extended beyond obese expectant mothers to their obese husbands. The obese men required sterile clothes in much larger sizes in order to accompany their wives into the labour suites, again at more expense to the NHS.
It seems then that the knock-on effects of obesity are far greater and more costly than had ever been predicted and with the NHS already under huge financial constraints this is a burden they could well do without.

Author Resource:->  The author is a Dietician by profession for which he has gathered good Information on weight loss pills, slimming pills, diet pills. For more details

Please visit www.theonlineclinic.co.uk

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5 Reasons to get Laser Eye Surgery

5-Reasons-to-get-Laser-Eye Surgery

By: Kathryn Dawson

Although laser eye surgery sounds quite extreme, it is actually a straight forward and painless procedure that takes just a few minutes. Surgery is used to make incisions in the eye which enables doctors to take any necessary measures such as replacing the lens of the eye or relieving any pressure that has prevented the fluid to flow freely and caused glaucoma. There are a few different types of surgery that fall under the category of laser eye surgery, but each one provides an effective solution to various problems with the eye. Read on to discover why delaying laser eye treatments and surgeries is unnecessary laser eye surgery is the ideal solution to a range of eye problems.

Reason 1 - It works
The efficacy of laser eye surgery is without question extremely good. The surgery takes just a few minutes but the results are excellent and furthermore long lasting. Glaucoma is a common condition that can be treated effectively by a surgical procedure. When there is not enough space in the eye for fluid to flow freely, pressure can build up which leads to blurred vision and poor sight. This is called glaucoma. Although lost sight cannot be restored with surgery, the condition can be prevented from worsening. Cataracts are another common condition that can be effectively treated through surgery. The clouded lens of the eye can be replaced with an artificial lens that restores a person's sight.

Reason 2 - It is painless
There may be a very small amount of discomfort following the surgery, and it may feel uncomfortable for a little as the anesthetics begin to wear off, but otherwise there is no pain. The surgery sounds worse that it is and patients cannot feel anything whilst the procedure is being carried out. After surgery it is required that the eyes are rested which means no bright lights or television for a bit. Avoiding reading or placing any strain on the eyes is necessary for a day or two.

Reason 3 - It gets fast results
The results of a successful surgery are immediately obvious to the patient. The blurred vision disappears and the eyesight is improved instantly, especially with treatment of cataracts which replaces the cloudy lens with a new, artificial one. Although glaucoma can cause loss of some sight which cannot be replaced, the patient will see an improvement immediately in their sight and benefit from the knowledge that the cataract will not return over the coming years. Although a few hours of rest may be required following surgery and the patient may be sensitive to bright lights for a day or two, most see instant improvement to their sight following surgery.

Reason 4 - It can be repeated
It is often believed that it is better to wait for surgery as it can only be done once. This is incorrect however as the surgery can be repeated at a later date if problems reoccur. It is a mistake to delay surgery for this reason, especially when dealing with serious eye problems that could result in loss of sight that cannot be restored. The best advice is to talk to a professional as soon as possible if you feel laser eye surgery is for you.

Reason 5 - It removes the need for glasses
If you have been a glasses wearer for the majority of your life you will pleased to hear that laser eye surgery may enable them to be thrown away, perhaps for good. Once your sight has been restored your may find that there will be no more need for either contact lenses or glasses.

Laser eye surgery is a quick and painless procedure that can drastically improve a person's quality of life through better eyesight. Whether the problem is dry eye syndrome, cataracts the presence of a macular hole or glaucoma, laser eye treatment can help remove or improve the problem.

Author Resource:->  Kathryn Dawson writes articles for Immaculate about how laser eye surgery has helped improved the quality of life for hundreds of thousands of people around the world with age-related eye problems. Uncommon eye conditions such as dry eye syndrome can now be treated easily with artificial tears to alleviate the dry and scratchy feeling in the eyes. Retina and macular hole treatments are now highly advanced and widely available.

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Hospitals are a place to get healthy, not sick!


By: rimi jaiswal

A gentleman from Britain that recently had a leg injury while skiing in France, instead of going to the local hospital, he went on the internet. He found a place in Norway that provided the treatment he needed. He booked his flight and off he went.

Why did he choose to travel rather than get treatment locally? He is like many people from Britain, Canada, and the United States that are becoming medical tourists. In the British man’s case, he wanted to go to Norway in order to avoid a growing concern over a very contagious germ called MRSA that plagues many hospitals in Britain and other countries. There are over 5,000 deaths in hospitals a year in Britain caused by infections people contracted while staying in a hospital. Norway has the lowest percentage of MRSA infections in Europe and has become a destination for those looking for quality and safe healthcare practices.

Today, over 1.3 million medical tourists are seeking low-cost, high quality healthcare options in top tourist destinations around the world. Europeans are increasingly selecting Scandinavian countries such as Norway which offer serene environment and like culture.

One of the other concerns that this British man had was that he was going to have to wait four weeks for a consultation with a specialist in Britain. Upon contacting Scanhealth Scandinavia, he was able to book his trip in a couple of days, see a specialist, and have the surgery that same day.

Another woman from Wales needed an MRI and was told she would have to wait 18 months. She contacted Scanhealth Scandinavia and was able to go immediately to Norway to get the same procedure. They promised that they would do the surgery, if needed, the same day. She fortunately did not need surgery for her shoulder. The price tag? It would have cost 325 pounds for the procedure would have had to wait for over a year to receive. Her trip to Norway including the procedure was only 500 pounds. One of the benefits for her was that Norway was so much like Wales that it was like being home.

This same testimonial is echoed by a couple that are receiving fertility treatments in Norway for less than they would in Britain. They stated that it was nice to get treatment right away, for less money, and it was comforting that they were being treated by people who spoke English as they did.

The testimonials about the wonderful care and comfort people found in Scandinavia are overwhelming. If you are interested in getting medical care, you have been waiting for months to receive and get them for fraction of the cost, then log on to Placidway.com today. PlacidWay presents you global healthcare possibilities that are comprehensive, economical, world-class, and without borders. PlacidWay is your one stop for all of your medical tourism needs.

Author Resource:->  Rimi frequently writes on different health tourism topics. Click on www.placidway.com for a Health Tourism search today!

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Hospitality Careers


By: Josh Stone

There are many different career paths in the hospitality industry. Everything from receptionists, maitre d' and bellhops.

A receptionist is an office/administrative support position. The work is usually performed in a waiting area such as a lobby or front office of an organization or business. The title "receptionist" is attributed to the person who is specifically employed by an organization to greet any visitors, patients, or clients.

The occupation has been the traditional domain of women, but more men today are becoming involved in receptionist duties, possibly under different names of employment, such as front desk coordinator, or information clerk. During the late-1990's, some companies have begun to refer to their receptionist with the upgraded title of "Director of First Impressions."

A receptionist is usually expected to have a high school diploma or the equivalent, but a receptionist may also possess a vocational certificate/diploma in business and office administration. Although a postsecondary degree is not normally required for this position, some receptionists may hold four year university degrees in a variety of majors. A few receptionists may even hold advanced degrees.

The business duties of a receptionist may include: answering visitor inquiries about a company and its products or services, directing visitors to their destinations, sorting mail, answering incoming calls on multi-line telephones or a switchboard, setting appointments, filing, records keeping, keyboarding/data entry and performing a variety of other office tasks, such as faxing. Some receptionist may also perform bookkeeping or cashiering duties. Some, but not all, offices may expect the receptionist to serve coffee or tea to guests, and to keep the lobby area tidy.

A receptionist may also assume some security guard access control functions for an organization by verifying employee identification, issuing visitor passes, and by observing and reporting any unusual or suspicious persons or activities.

A receptionist is often the first business contact a person will meet at any organization. It is an expectation of most organizations that the receptionist maintain a calm, courteous and professional demeanor at all times regardless of the visitor's behavior. Some personal qualities that a receptionist is expected to have in order to do the job successfully include: attentiveness, a well groomed apptearance, initiative, loyalty, maturity, respect for confidentiality and discretion, a positive attitude and dependability. At times, the job may be stressful due to ineraction with many different people with different types of personalities, and being expected to perform multiple tasks quickly.

Depending upon the industry, a receptionist position can be considered be a low-ranking, dead end or servile position, or it could be perceived as having a certain veneer of glamour with opportunities for networking in order to advance to other positions within a specific field. Some people may use this type of job as a way to familiarize oneself with office work, or to learn of other functions or positions within a corporation. Some people use receptionist work as a way to earn money while pursuing further educational opportunities or other career interests such as in the performing arts or as writers.

While many persons working as receptionists continue in that position throughout their careers, some receptionists may advance to other administrative jobs such as customer service representative, dispatcher, interviewers, secretary, production assistant, and executive assistant. In smaller businesses, such as doctor's or lawyer's office, a receptionist may also be the office manager who is charged with a diversity of middle management level business operations. When receptionists leave the job, they often enter other career fiee d'hotel and host is, in practice, one of nomenclature, lds such as sales and marketing, public relations or other media occupations.

The advancement of office automation has eliminated some receptionists' jobs. For example, a telephone call could be answered by a computer. However, a receptionist who possesses strong office/technical skills and who is also adept in courtesy, tact and diplomacy is still considered an asset to a company's business image, and is still very much in demand in the business world.

The maitre d' (short for maitre d'hotel, literally "master of therge of assigning customers to tables in the establishment, and dividing the dining area into areas of responsibility for the various servers on duty. He or she may also be the person who receives and records advance reservations for dining, as well as deal with any customer complaints and making sure all servers are completing their tasks in an efficient manner. In some localities or traditions the post is also known as the headwaiter or captain.

In the United States, these functions may be vested in a manager, supervisor, or cashier. A working maitre d' here is usually associated with a destination restaurant, or one connected with a four-star or better hotel. Though the distinction between a maitre d'hotel and host is, in practice, one of nomenclature, less elite establishments employ a "host".

A bellhop (also bellboy or bellman) is a hotel employee who helps patrons with their luggage while checking in or out. The job's name is derived from the fact that the hotel's front desk would ring a bell to summon an available employee, who would "hop" (jump) to attention at the desk in order to receive instructions.

Historically, this employee traditionally was a boy or adolescent male who may have been otherwise unskilled but able to carry luggage; hence the term bellboy. Often (s)he wears a uniform, like certain other page boys or doormen. In many countries such as the United States, it customary to tip such an employee for his or her service.

This position can also be held by a woman today, with the progression of equality in the workplace. The term "bellperson" is much less gender specific. The duties that are included in this job are opening the door, pulling luggage, calling cabs, giving directions, basic concierge work, and responding to any need of the guest.

Some larger apartment buildings or groups of buildings retain the use of a concierge, without the traditional disposition whereas the concierge saw all comings and goings. The concierge may, for instance, keep the mail of absented dwellers; be entrusted with the keys of apartments in cases of emergencies in the absence of the inhabitant; and other services.

In hotels and certain other facilities, a concierge assists guests with various tasks like finding taxicabs, restaurants, and interesting places to visit. In upscale establishments, a concierge is often expected to "achieve the impossible", dealing with any request a guest may have, no matter how apocryphal or strange, relying on an extensive list of personal contacts with various local merchants and service providers.

Author Resource:->  Freelance writer for over eleven years.
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Comfort And Reliable : Adjustable Hospital Beds

Comfort-And-Reliable-:-Adjustable Hospital-Beds

By: Jason Uvios

One can expect a lot from hospitals as they are the places where patients go hoping to cure their illness. Hence hospitals are ought to provide all the comforts that a patient requires.

There's no doubt that patients at hospital spend most of the time on bed. Hence the beds to be used are of utmost importance. They must provide the patient acute care and relaxation. The best way to do it would be by the use of adjustable beds. There are special types of adjustable beds made for use at hospitals.

As with other adjustable beds, hospital adjustable beds allow to raise the upper and lower parts to position the back and knees in right position. They take away pressure from the body and free from the pain that's been troubling.

Whether a patient wishes to sit or lie down, hospital adjustable beds support to make comfortable. A patient can lay flat, raise the head, raise legs elevate the knees or sit in whatever position desired. Adjustable hospital beds are always there to take care of. They are sure to speed up the recovery.

Hospital beds are available with manual, semi electric and electric controls. Manual hospital beds have a hand crank which has to be used to make adjustments like elevating or increasing or decreasing the beds height. Semi electric beds have a few electric controls as well as manual controls. Electric beds are electrically controlled completely. Sitting on your bed the patient can just push a button to perform some action.

Hospital beds and mattresses should be chosen carefully. They must provide proper musculoskeletal support to the patient. They must be very soothing to the body and help relieve pressure from different parts of the body.

The hospital beds need not be too firm or too soft. If they are too firm then the patient may possibly develop sore muscles. Or if they are too soft they provide less support. It would be of great help to the patients if they are provided with a remote control so that they can adjust the bed sitting on their beds.

Hospital beds are best if they have the facility of massage. A body massage helps to stimulate the tissues and help in better blood circulation. This helps to refresh the patient and works to increase energy levels.

Hospital beds need to be the best. No compromise on quality. After all, they are responsible for the patient's well being during their stay at hospitals.

Author Resource:->  Jason Uvios writes about "Comfort And Reliable : Adjustable Hospital Beds" to visit : air adjustable beds, adjustable beds tempurpedic and mattress air.

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A Study On Lupus Symptoms


By: JackJ Reynolds

Lupus is a disease that affects the nervous system of the body.As this is an autoimmune disease it causes harm to the living cells and tissues in the body.In this condition, there is production of antibodies against the healthy cells of the individual which in turn, damages the tissues leading to destruction and inflammation. The antibodies are mainly antinuclear antibodies.

There is no causal factors that have been identified for the lupus disease.There are evidences of hereditary presence as a causative factor. That means it has some hereditary causes. Also, it is observed that women are more prone to get lupus as compared to men.So this indicates that hormones can be a cause for it.It has been observed that even the racial aspect is important as seen in African Americans that are a lot susceptible to get it than others.Lupus disease has been widespread in the people belonging to ages 15-44 very often.

There are various kinds of lupus that can cause harm to numerous body parts.The one that is found very usually is the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.In this there is damage to the joints, skin, blood vessels etc.When a person is affected with this there are signs of swelling in the joints with a lot of pain, tiredness, high temperature and also a butterfly shaped rash around the nose known as malar rash.

One more type of lups affects due to the excessive usage of some of the drugs such as procainamide, quinidine and hydrala.These drugs are usually stipulated when one has hypertension, heart disease, thyroid problems etc.As soon as these drugs are stopped the indications disappear. Discoid Lupus is another type of this disease.In this one gets rashes in and around regions like ears, face, scalp etc.These causes marks in the region.Another type is Neonatal Lupus which affect the newborns.The newborn suffers from this disease for some months after birth from this disease.There is transmission of this disease from the mother to the baby in the womb.

It is not very easy to find the affliction of lupus as every person has different kinds of signs.There are certain test criteria developed by the Rheumatology College in United States that are used in proper diagnosis of the diseased condition.There are certain laboratory and clinical tests that are performed to diagnose it.The tests to identify lupus include rash formation, incidence of mouth sores, antinuclear tests and blood count tests etc.

The cure for lupus is specific to the person.The indication variant in each case gets treated diffrently.The persons having symptoms of fever associated with joint and chest pain are prescribed NSAIDS medicine.In situations of skin rash, swelling in the lungs, joint pains and exhaustion antimalarial medicine is suggested.At times even the immunosuppressive drugs are given.Some people are treated with DMARDS like methotrexate as well.

In order to keep the lupus at the least one is advised to take sufficient rest and bring down stress levels.It is best if the patient observes yoga and meditation as well.This enhances the recovery process and builds immunity.

Author Resource:->  Learn more about lupus symptoms and what exactly is lupus disease.

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The Best Natural Ways To Control Diabetes


By: Anthony Chong

More than 160 million people in the world have diabetes and expectations are that in the next two decades, this number will double. When diabetes is not treated, it can result in other diseases and cause major complications in the kidneys, cardiovascular area, joints, and eyes. Natural remedies can be done to control diabetes but these will involve many changes in your everyday diet and lifestyle.

Some factors contribute to having a higher risk of contracting diabetes. These include high levels of sugar intake and the lack of exercise. These things can contribute to the sudden gain or loss of weight, more frequent urination, fatigue, and constant thirst, which are all signs and symptoms of being a diabetic. These should be consulted with a doctor.

Natural Remedies for Controlling Diabetes

  • Change your Diet - Lessening your sugar intake is the first step. Avoid sweets, desserts, and milk or dairy products and just substitute these with complex carbohydrates and starchy food. Eat more protein for the repair of the cell membrane. Try to eat more frequently to maintain a balanced sugar level.

  • Exercise More - To avoid the risk of having cardiovascular disease complications, exercise regularly to lose weight.

  • Lifestyle changes - Avoid drinking alcohol as this can add to your sugar intake.

  • Drink water - This is a simple solution for a complex condition. Drink lots of water everyday while avoiding sugar-filled sodas and juices. This can help flush the sugar out of your system.

  • Take some supplements - Most people affected by diabetes lose important vitamins and minerals during frequent urination. These nutrients are needed to help control diabetes and prevent complications from other diseases. Some suggested supplements include essential vitamins and minerals, chromium and vanadium, selenium and zinc. Vitamin E can especially help diabetics in getting the sugar out of their system.

Just remember that in order to naturally control your blood sugar level, you should constantly monitor your sugar levels. Buying your own monitor can greatly help you in doing this. The ultimate goal is to minimize your medication intake and to try to live a normal life even with diabetes.

Author Resource:->  The author also shares information on how to make personalized aprons and vintage aprons.

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Distance Learning Doctorate Psychology


By: Jim Zorn

Long distance learning doctorate psychology courses provide the students with opportunities for clinical experience and a heightened level of awareness of integrating conceptual and theoretical scholarship with applied psychology. While clinical psychology PhD courses are specializations that enable psychologists to practice in health care settings and community mental health centers, counseling psychology prepares psychologists to deal with functional relationships, healthy lifestyles and work on their clients' strengths. The General Education Psychology PhD degree courses have tracks in Educational Psychology and research evaluation. The long distance learning doctorate psychology courses in Health Psychology is a specialization for practice in medical centers, research settings, business and industry, government and military as well as in sports and fitness centers.

The Curriculum

Long distance learning doctorate psychology courses explore every modality that guides assessment and intervention practices. Some universities provide hands on experience with practical training and internships on campus. Hence program availability depends on location. Other universities examine the total matrix of factors that influence psychological and physical health and offers PhDs that emphasize research, preparation of scholarship and systematic enquiry culminating in a dissertation. The application of theory for problem solving and conflict resolution expands the definition of health across individuals and cultures. The flexible programs are well suited to persons engaged in careers in health, teaching, clinical work, community development, consultation, mediation and so on.

The Universities

The North Central University Online has a long distance learning doctorate psychology program in Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine. It uses a biopsychosocial approach to psychology. The Industrial/Organizational doctorate degree prepares learners to work in a variety of settings in different kinds of organizations. The skills imparted include the conduct of basic and applied research, problem solving for organizational and human health. The Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center has a program that is designed for practitioners who operate in non-traditional environments and their practice embraces expanded definitions of health.

Walden University has several PhD programs that address social issues that impact on societies and communities and equips the practitioner with the necessary skills for operating in their area of specialization. The Fielding Graduate University offers a PhD degree in Clinical Psychology with elective concentrations in Neuropsychology, Health Psychology and the Psychology of Violence. Apart from the above there are a number of "contract learning" courses conducted by the Long Island University Southampton, where seminars are conducted on campus for part of the course and the rest of the course is off campus. Argosy University conducts a number of courses in Clinical Psychology, Forensic Psychology, School psychology, Sport Exercise Psychology and General Psychology.

It other words, the choice of course depends on the student's need for the tools and practices of psychology as they relate to their business, education and professional practice.

Author Resource:->  Jim Zorn is web master of the Guide to Distance Learning. Please visit to learn more about online colleges and universities, distance learning degrees, majors and courses offered.


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What's An Asthma Doctor And His/Her Responsibilities?


By: Eddy Kong

Many people think that the doctor's income is a lot. General medical doctors which may seems that their income is a lot, but in actual fact their job is not easy; especially being an asthma doctor is a very challenging and sometimes an overwhelming job.

Asthma is a very delicate illness with fatal consequences should it not be treated immediately as an attack occurs.

They really have to take lots of precautions to prevent another attack from happening again.

Due to this reason many patients rush to the hospital in an emergency state and the asthma doctor has to react and administer the right medications as soon as possible failing which, the attack may turn fatal for the patient.

The stress and pressure are they facing everyday.

This is the stress and pressure an asthma doctor is faced with everyday. Of course the doctor is well trained and educated in the subject so their ability to react to the situation in the correct manner is virtually assured.

The other factor is time with asthma patients suffering an asthma attack; as medications need to be administered at the right time in the right quantity.

The asthma doctor and patient relationship.

Asthma treatment guidelines recommend a 'therapeutic relationship' to achieve the best results of treatments. It is observed that those who reach the emergency room with an asthma attack do not have a good relationship with his/her doctor.

This is a big cause such attacks can usually be controlled, if they are treated, or prevented on a continuous basis, which leads to an avoidance of these life threatening emergencies.

Those patients who have a regular doctor with whom they share a good relationship have a better control and overall understanding of their illness.

They are able to deal with emergencies and severe asthma attacks without panic, which, in and of itself, can turn a normal attack, into an severe emergency.

Choose your asthma doctor carefully.

Suffering and taking care of asthma is a full time occupation. Choose your asthma doctor carefully and build a relationship with him/her in order for you to be confident and at ease to discuss your illness. Patients who have a good partnership with their doctor have a better control and can lead a stress-free life knowing that they are in good hands.

Your asthma doctor is your friend and wants to see you healthy at all times. Remember that he/she is there to comfort and provide you guidance in your illness. Do not hold your asthma doctor responsible for your disease but work with him/her towards your recovery.

Full cooperation is needed.

Cooperate with your asthma doctor and you will see great results and an overall health improvement. Knowledge gives one confidence and strength to deal with any illness.

Asthma doctors have a tough job, make it easier for the both of you and improve your chances of being in control the next time your asthma attack occurs.

You cannot successfully control your asthma if you are not being accessed accurately, so if you are not happy with the attention you are receiving, change your doctor and find out who will give you the support and management plan you need.

Therefore, I strongly urged you to start your journey in asthma management, if you are serious of getting back your asthma free life again.

Author Resource:->  Eddy has a site which shares how he managed to discover a simple and yet hidden way on treating asthma. Get free reports and articles at his Asthma site.

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Important Facts You Must Know About Pneumonia


By: JackJ Reynolds

When there is disease of the respiratory track either in one or both the lungs it is called as Pneumonia.It can be cased due to a lot of things like virus, bacteria, fungi etc. In general the illness causing organisms are present in the air.The mico-organisms gets transferred into the blood stream of the lungs when a person breathes.As a result of this the protein outflow in the alveoli gets reduced having a negative impact on the movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide.Slowly the mucous production in the alveoli increases resulting in debris formation inside it.It again become hard over a period of time.

A person suffers from cold and high fever associated with high temperature.One even has cough along with tarred or blood like sputum.The patient also experiences shortness of breath followed by clammy skin.There is chest pain that becomes worst with deep breathing.Other associated symptoms are headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bodyache, fatigue and lethargy.

Pneumonia is of various kinds.A Bacterial pneumonia is one that comes due to the presence of bacteria.The most widespread is the streptococcus pneumonia.A Viral pneumonia is said to have harvested when it is due to virus. One is said to have Atypical pneumonia when there is presence of different kinds of organisms such as legionella pneumophila, chlamydophila pneumoniae and mycplasma pneumoniae.When a person breathes in the vomit, food, drink or mouth secretions along with foreign material they are said to have Aspiration Pneumonia.

Pneumonia is felt to be a very transmittable disease.This is in fact not right.It is not the pneumonia disease that is catching rather it is the associated virus or bacteria in it.The ones that do not have resistance are more prone to get this disease.As infection is always present in air, but only some get the infection and becomes diseased.

The pneumonia cure is usually preceded by a verification of the family history.It assists in the identification of the causes easily.The other diagnostic feature is presence of additional sounds like rales, bubbling or crackling sound when heard through stethoscope.On percussion, there is presence of dull thrud in case of pneumonia.A very crucial test is the test of the sputum.It is examined for the color and consistency.A chest x-ray is also verified.

The common treatment of pneumonia is antibiotics.The various kinds of antibiotics that are used for treating pneumonia are clarithromycin, erythromycin, azithromycin, Tetracyclines like doxycycline etc.Other medications include use of medicines such as Penicillins like amoxicillin, ampicillin, ticarcillin, clavulanate.Before staring the treatment for a patient suffering from pneumonia is age, signs and rigorousness of the disease .

The management which are involved in the treatment of pneumonia is avoiding from alcohol and smoking. In order to get treated quickly one should increase the intake of fluids and also get sufficient rest.The treatment of pneumonia is actually dependant on the early detection. When the disease is found out at the beginning itself it gives very fast relief.

Pneumonia can take an ugly turn with untimely treatment.Like patient may develop severe sharp stabbing pain in the chest known as pleuritic pain.At times there could be formation of sepsis in the chest walls and the lungs.This can even leads patients to have secondary infections at times.

Author Resource:->  Know what are the pneumonia symptoms and how to do a pathophysiology of pneumonia.

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How To Be Your Doctor's Favorite Patient

How To Be Yaff liour Doctor's Favorite Patient

By: Deborah L Boynton

First of all, let me explain something in case you don't already know. The more your doctor and his stke you, the better service you will receive. It's just a plain fact and human nature. Most doctors are swamped with patients and have to make choices when appointing patients to their schedule. So how do you get the only appointment left on next Tuesday, you day off?

Asking for an appointment: Make or break the relationship.
Depending upon how large the practice is, there is probably one person designated to make appointments and is most likely a woman or young adult. This position is one of the lowest paid in the practice, so keep that in mind when talking to them and boost their ego at every chance.

· Don't tell them you have to get in this week because you are going on a cruise or exotic trip next week and just have to be seen now. This will not induce sympathy with a person financially incapable of affording such luxury. Just say you're going out of town.

· Don't tell them it 'has to be next Tuesday between 2 and 4'. Ask nicely if 'that time' is available, but do not insist on it. If you consistently follow the suggestions laid out here, chances are the appointment coordinator will move patients around to accommodate your schedule just because you are the favorite. But it is not a good idea to demand a specific time unless they ask you first. In case you don't know, the appointment coordinator is taught to run the schedule, and to not let the patients do it for them.

· Keep in mind it is the appointment coordinator's job to FILL the schedule for the doctor. Most doctors want to see a full schedule for tomorrow when they leave for the day. "Emergency time" is seldom available, unless the practice has a consistent need for it. I know of no doctor that likes to sit around with no patients and therefore no income. Even the most caring of doctors still has their income in mind. After all, they have a staff and bills to pay.

· Which brings up the next point: do not ask the appointment coordinator for a discount or a payment plan. Trust me, they will not have the authority to grant one. In most practices, only the doctor can grant lower fees. Sometimes the office manager can suggest payment plans. However, keep in mind, you will never be the doctor's favorite patient if you consistently ask for lower fees or special treatment in the payment department. If you truly need help with financing, do it with the greatest tact.

· And please, please if you remember nothing else I've said here, remember that your insurance is a contract between you and your insurance company. Your doctor files your insurance for you as a courtesy. It is not a requirement. It is not their duty. It is not their fault if your insurance does not pay, (most times anyway.) You may be responsible for any balances left by your insurance. Just because your insurance does not pay all of your doctor's charges, does not mean your doctor charges too much. If there is a question about your insurance, offer to call the insurance company yourself. It is so time consuming for the office personnel to do this. Sometimes they will need to, but you'll gain points with them if you do it yourself.

· And please know your insurance information. If you are going to a medical doctor, have your medical card with you for them to copy. If you are going to a dental office, know the difference between your medical and dental insurance and have the proper card available. Most dental policies are separate from the medical policy. Some vision policies are separate, also. If you work for a large corporation or a large group, such as State or Federal employees, the office will probably know who is your insurance carrier, but have your card available for them for ID numbers, etc., from the card. If you do not know who handles your insurance, contact your Human Resources department for the information before your appointment. Or, if your doctor is referring you to a specialist, you can obtain your insurance information from your regular doctor to take to the specialist's office. They will love you for this.

· Which brings up the next point: reward any special favors. Bring goodies with you for the doctor and staff. I've had patients bring the doctor a bottle of wine and a box of cookies for the staff. Most people are watching their weight, so fresh fruit is nice, too. One patient brought fresh strawberries, another fresh peaches in season. Bake them a cake. Bring a potted plant. Trust me, they'll love you for it because it so rarely happens. If you do not have a chance to bring them anything, a written card to the doctor and staff with specific comments about how wonderful everyone was, is a great favorite, too. Praise the staff to the doctor if they do a good job and they'll be your friends forever.

· Do not wear strong perfume. I'm constantly amazed how often patients do this. Remember you are at a doctor's office. People there are sick, hurting, or have some kind of malady. A vast majority of people gets headache from smelling strong perfume. You are never going to be a favorite patient nor are you going to get the most compassionate service if all the staff can think about is getting your smelly self out of their office as soon as humanly possible. Do you want to be a rush job? What if your doctor is allergic to your perfume? Mine is! And so are members of our staff. It will be noted in your chart because a nurse or assistant that can tolerate your smelly self will be assigned to you while those you make sick will avoid you. The doctor may deliberately anger you just to get rid of you. You will not be treated well and may never know why because it is hard to tell a patient that they stink! Enough said.

· Do not cry. Yeah you're hurting, or deathly sick, but please try not to cry. Doctors and staff will feel helpless and sad for you, but they'll also be relieved when you leave. Raw emotion is hard for any human to deal with and doctors and staff are no different.

· Do not whine, or complain about another doctor you've already seen. It could be the doctor's best friend. Or a staff member's friend. If you've been 'doctor shopping' and have seen several doctors in a short period of time, don't tell the new doctor that you've seen '5 different doctors and can't find a good one'. You'll be pegged as a 'problem patient' in a heartbeat and won't be taken as seriously. Be professional when talking about other doctors, not complaining.

· Keep religion and politics out of your conversations in the doctor's office. Period. Unless you know the affiliation of your doctor and/or staff matches yours from something they've said. I've seen a Baptist patient bring our Catholic doctor literature that conflicted with his beliefs. It created an uncomfortable situation. And don't think just because you and everyone you know is fed up with your country's leaders, your doctor is also.

With a little forethought and tact and lots of kindness, you can be one of your doctor's favorite patients. Now, to find that perfect doctor....

Author Resource:->  Debbie Boynton has worked in dental field for eight years. Find more info at:

Toothache Help

©2006 Debbie L Boynton

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