The Antibiotic Flagyl Side Effects

The-Antibiotic-Flagyl-Side Effects

By: Grigoriy Anoshenko

Flagyl is an effective and valued defense against bacterial infection. The generic name for Flagyl is metronidazole.

Flagyl is an effective and valued defense against bacterial infection. The generic name for Flagyl is metronidazole.

The Flagyl antibiotic is used to effectively kill anaerobic (low oxygen) bacteria and certain parasites in humans.

Areas of the body which may harbor anaerobic bacteria include the liver, abdomen, and pelvis. Infections within these regions that are commonly treated with the antibiotic Flagyl are:

• Bacterial peritonitis (of the abdomen)
• Abscesses of the liver
• Abscesses of the ovaries and fallopian tubes
• Bacterial infections of the brain

In addition, Flagyl may be used to treat bacterial vaginal infections and bacterial infections of the stomach, skin, joints, and respiratory tract infections.

Flagyl may also be chosen in the treatment of parasitic infections such as Giardia lambia and ameba, both of which may cause abdominal pain and chronic diarrhea. Patients taking Flagyl to treat a Giardia infection must follow up with their health care professional to ensure complete eradication of the parasite.

Infections not included in Flagyl labeling, but which Flaygl may be chosen to treat include:

• Colitis associated with antibiotic use
• Balantidiasis
• Dental infections
• Gastritis or ulcers caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori
• Inflammatory bowel disease (IBS)

Flagyl may be prescribed to treat other infections at the discretion of a medical doctor.

Flagyl is generally safe for use by all ages, including premature infants, newborn infants, children, teens, and adults. Flagyl may however cause adverse effects in unborn babies and so it is not used during the first trimester of pregnancy. Likewise, Flagyl is not recommended for breast feeding mothers as adverse effects can occur in nursing infants.

Flagyl may be used prior to, during, and following certain medical procedures to treat or prevent bacterial infection. Patients may be prescribed antibiotic Flagyl before and during bowel surgery. Flagyl may also be prescribed to male and female carriers of trichominiasis even if symptoms of infection are not present in order to eradicate the invader and prevent infection.

Flagyl is subject to allergic reaction and side-effects, although side-effects with Flagyl are generally rare and the drug is usually well tolerated. Side effects may include numbness, tingling, pain, swelling, tenderness, dizziness, irritation, and unpleasant taste in the mouth; very rarely, seizures may result from Flagyl use. Any unpleasant or serious side-effects should be reported to your doctor so that appropriate action can be taken.

Flagyl can be affected by and can affect other medical conditions, and may interact with other medications, so it is important to share your complete medical history with your doctor.

Flagyl is an antibiotic that works best when constant levels of the drug are maintained in the bloodstream, so proper dosing schedules of Flagyl should be maintained to the best of your ability.

Author Resource:->  To find out more about antibiotics like flagyl please visit Flagyl side effects

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